Do you want to provide your parakeet, his habitual environment? Are you in search of complete information about the habitat of parakeets? If yes, then you are on the right blog. Read carefully and attentively the article, “Where Do Parakeets Come From?” to get the key information.So, let us begin.
Parakeets are cute, exotic birds, which can start talking if you train them properly. Among all the parrots, parakeets are the most human-friendly species. It is originated and mostly found in Australia. These parakeets are called “budgies” or “budgerigar” in Australia.
Besides Australia, they are spread in the whole world except the too cold and too hot environments. They usually migrate in search of the best food and water. Parakeets live in flocks. To captivate parakeets, you should try to provide them, an environment similar to their wild one. However, you cannot exactly achieve that, but you should try your best. You should know, where do parakeets live? What do parakeets eat in the wild? Where do parakeets like to be pets?
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Where Do Parakeets Come From?

Where Do Parakeets Come From? The plain and open grassland of Australia is the native habitat of parakeets. They are found in flocks, there.
Parakeets are found throughout the main lands, but they avoid wetter areas like East, far South East, and Northern areas of Northern Territories.
The undomesticated escaped parakeets are found in many areas of the world, especially Florida. Due to too cold winters of the Northern areas of the United States, their species are absent there.
Parakeets are sometimes found in the wild of Northern America. More than one flock of parakeets can make a proper population at any place. The number of parakeets in a single flock may vary from three to a hundred or more.
Parakeets are tropical birds, found mostly in hot and dry areas. They cannot stay away from water sources, as they cannot bear extreme hot weather.
Most parakeet species migrate in search of the best sources of food and water. A big part of their life is spent migrating. In dry seasons, parakeets can approach wetter coastal areas and woodlands.
Parakeet’s favorite food is grass food, but their adaptable characteristics allow them, to rely on vegetables, fruits, small plants, and even worms, during hard times. Parakeets are a creature of habit; they can instantly adapt to changes in their environment.
Their food versatility may cause trouble to humans. Parakeets can eat up the crops like wheat, barley, and other agricultural savannas.
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What do Parakeets Eat in the Wild?
What Colors Do Parakeets Come In?

Parakeets have a wide color variation. Their color can vary from smoky greys to azure blues and pastel green to mustard yellow. Blue and yellow color form the basis of the parakeet`s color palette. The mix of yellow and blue gives the blue color.
In most tamed varieties, the yellow color is absent, so the blue color shows with a white base. If black color will be added to the mixture, then there will be an endless variety.
Some parakeets have pinky shade, this is due to the diet i.e. shrimps, they eat. Parakeets with red pigmentation are non-existent. If the bird lacks usual pigmentation, then it results in albinos.
Color also depends on where parakeets come from, because the food they eat largely depends on their environment, whether wild or captivity.
The dark melanin pigment may result in yellow-green and squelches blue with a white base. The yellow pigment is psittacine.
The variety of the colors depends on the genes that decide the shade or intensity of the shade, or the gene that changes the color spots.
One of that genes darkens the color of the parakeet`s plume. The darkening depends on the dominancy as well as the amount of the gene
The dark factor is not found in wild parakeets, so they are called Light Green. The presence of one dark factor makes the parakeet Dark Green, however, the presence of two makes him Olive.
In blue or white parakeets, the equivalents are Cobalt, Mauve, and Sky-blue called gold-faced or yellow-faced. The parakeets with such genes have yellow faces, but blue or white bodies.
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Where Do Parakeets Live?
They are housed in the holes of dead or fallen branches of the trees. They also live in the hollow trees and do not make their nests. They keep their eggs and young ones in those holes.
Parakeets sleep in these holes to keep themselves protected and safe from outside danger. They sleep in a dark environment.
The domesticated parakeet lives in your provided cage. To provide your parakeets, a natural environment, cover their cage with a blanket or a comforter, at night.
A covered cage will make them feel comfortable and secure. It also provides them a dark; their habitual environment to sleep. It also protects them from the temperature decrease at night.
Where Do Parakeets Like to Be Pet?

A non-domesticated parakeet does not like to be a pet. Wildlife for a parakeet is free and independent. Everyone thrives for independence, so as a newly caught parakeet.
You should use tips and tricks to tame your parakeet. When your parakeet starts trusting you, he will start enjoying your company.
Where do parakeets like to be pets? Parakeets can only be pets in the places, they feel safe. They feel secure and will consider you as their friend. They have no threats from you.
Parakeets love to be petted at places, where they get amusement, good food, and treats as rewards. However, it is very easy to tame the offsprings of domesticated parents.
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Do Parakeets Talk?
Yes, parakeets can talk, but only to each other, if you have brought a year old to your house. A parakeet imprints human sounds and speaks human words. They are called vocal birds.
Parakeet`s talking largely depends on, how much time you have spent, and how skillfully you have taught him.
Parakeets do not have vocal cords to produce sound, so they can use their beaks and airways. They cannot pronounce the words, same as we can.
They cannot speak words they haven`t heard. They can only mimic the sounds that you can produce in front of him, again and again.
The offspring of a well-trained parakeet can do produce sounds easily, as they imitate their parents. Mostly male parakeets can learn quickly easily than females. They can also produce more sounds than females.
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How Long Do Parakeets Live?
In the cage, a parakeet may have an average life of 6-12 months. Their life span largely depends on your love, care, and affection for your bird.
How long do parakeets live? It also depends on the health of your pet, the food he eats, and his ancestor’s age. It also depends on the exercises he takes regularly.
In wild, a parakeet can have a longer life span of about 15-20 years. The difference is due to the lack of a natural environment and the enhanced immunity, he develops in that environment.
The cooperation in flocks with his fellows is another reason for this longer life span. In flocks of twenty to thirty thousand parakeets, they remain safe from predators.
In wild, parakeets spend the whole day searching for food and water, this reduces the obesity risk. This gives them a healthier and longer life.
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What Do Parakeets Eat in the Wild?

Parakeets are very versatile in their food choices. They can enjoy a variety from food worms to seeds, fruits, and vegetables. They can also eat grains however, grains have lower nutritional values.
Parakeets can also eat nuts as treats. Parakeets eat millet, sunflower, canary, and safflower seeds. Sunflower seeds have too much fat so they should eat them occasionally.
Parakeets eat leafy vegetables. Asparagus, zucchini, carrots, squash, pumpkin, cabbage, beets, and broccoli are the safest vegetables for parakeets.
Parakeets should eat fruits to keep their diet balanced. Apple, mango, banana, melon, apricot, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, pineapple, coconut, blackberries, peaches, blackberries, and several pitted fruits are mostly eaten by parakeets in the wild.
If no other food is available, then parakeets can also eat grains. Barley, oats, rye, amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa are the only safest grains for parakeets.
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Where do parakeets come from, is only asked by true bird`s lovers? Parakeets are originated in Australia, however, some of their species are also found in United Nations. Their escaped species are found in Florida. Now, they are found in most parts of the world, as they are as adaptable to their environment. Parakeets also undergo multiple migrations to get the best food, water, and temperature. Hope I have cleared out all your queries.