How Do Parrots Protect Themselves?

Are you curious to know about the natural defenses of parrots? Do you want a complete guide regarding the various parrot predators? If yes, then luckily you have gone through a right-click. 

The article “How Do Parrots Protect Themselves?” is all about parrot’s defense methods and the bulk of parrot’s predators.

The incredible beauty and intelligence of parrots have made them love as a pet. In the wild, like all animals, parrots also adopt various tactics to survive. 

Many predators from the jungle’s floor to the air are ready to hunt parrots. So, let us study their ways to defend themselves in the wild. 

How Do Parrots Protect Themselves?

Parrots are prey birds. They have well-developed characteristics that help them to survive. How do parrots protect themselves? They can do so by two methods primary and secondary defenses.

The primary defenses are the adaptions in the bird’s appearance or behavior that lowers the risk of the predator noticing bird’s presence in the surrounding.

The secondary defenses help the parrots to safely escape from predator attacks. It will help to prevent a full fight with the predator.

The brightly colored plumage acts as a disguise. Green is among the best colors for hiding in the wild. Due to this reason, many parrots are green or have green highlights.

In tropical forests, colors like red, yellow, and orange are best suited. As fruits, leaves, and flowers themselves flourish these colors. 

The parrots like cockatoos, parakeets, and macaws live in the rainforest. They are suited to such environments.

Similarly, the plumage of parrots like African Greys and Rosy Cockatoos can prevent them from predator’s sight while flying. Their plume reflects sunlight on very sunny days. 

Homogeneity is also a defense method. Homogeneity means when all the animals have the same looks. 

Parrots are always found in flocks of the same species. So, the whole flock depicts the same color, shape, size, and plumage. 

During clay licks or ground feeding, parrots guarantee that the predator cannot focus or aim at a single individual in a mass of likely-appeared bird.

The homogeneity is especially effective against the raptorial birds.  The raptorial birds fly overhead and look down on the forest to search for the prey. The huge parrot’s flock looks like greenery to them. It helps parrots to protect themselves.

How do parrots protect themselves from predators?

Parrots can perch on the top of the trees. 

This protects the parrots from the non-flying predators on the forest’s ground. Their high standpoint will keep them less considered as compared to other small preys.

The last option for the parrot’s defense is biting. Parrots have strong beaks. Some have strong enough to bite clean through bone. 

However, they bite only when they feel the threat, or their life is in danger. Parrots are not built to fight, but they must fight in extreme cases, but their survival chances are low. 

Are parrots protective?

The alertness of parrots can save their lives. Parrots get frightened easily even in captivity. They are alert to any sudden noise or movement.

The predators use certain tactics to capture the prey. The over-cautious behavior of parrot species helps in their survival.

What is parrot defense?

Flight is the best defense for avian species. They can quickly fly into the air to get out of the reach of the predator, ensuring defense.

Parrots will fly instantly at any glimpse of danger. The parrot guards keep watch of the flock and alert others whenever they spot a predator. This reveals the entire flock to fly away. 

Parrots are social birds. In groups, they are better defended from predators. Most of the predators choose only one target to prey on. 

However, if that prey got lost in the flock, then they must choose another one. In that time all the parrots got an escape.

How do parrots communicate?

Parrots have guards who make specific sounds when they spot danger. The flock then flies away in droves that assist them to escape. It confuses the predators and parrots got enough time to fly away. 

Parrots Predators

Many predators will seek out parrots for a meal. There are certain predators that hunt parrots most often. These include:


Hawks prey on parrots. The smaller parrots like parakeets and parrotlets are more vulnerable to hawk attacks. They also hunt the thick-billed parrots. 

The natural predators of red-tailed hawks and goshawks are thick-billed parrots. Despite their medium size, the thick-billed parrots can be taken down by their strong talons.


Eagles are the most common prey that hunt parrots. The Harpy eagles and Black and white hawk eagles are the primary hunters. Both prey on macaws.

Both types of eagles have strong talons and can attack with impressive force. The Harpy eagles are one of the largest raptors in the world. 

It utilizes its impressive size to take on any resistance offered by its predator. The Harpy eagle prey on 102 species including Parakeets and Hyacinth macaw. 


In general, falcons have the expertise to hunt small animals and birds. They have amazing vision, incredible intelligence, and break-neck speed to catch prey.

The Aplomado falcons in particular hunt Green-rumped Parrotlets and in general all other parrots of similar size.


Some large bats especially the False Vampire bats hunt parrots. The parrots are diurnal while the False Vampire bats are nocturnal. So, they hunt the sleeping parrots and carry them to their roost.


Owls are also nocturnal, and they hunt small rodents. However, parrot’s eggs and chicks are their love. The Puerto Rican owls and Puerto Rican parrots are found in the same forests. 

This owl is a raptor, and half its size so cannot attack adult parrots or their nests during the day. It steals chicks and eggs during the night taking advantage of its night vision. 


Monkeys are less common parrot predators. However, they can hunt any parrot’s type, they want. They are omnivorous and they obtain fats, proteins, and many other nutrients from them.

Monkeys are skillful and have powerful grips. Their flexible nature allows them to creep on parrots and grip them firmly. 

Monkeys can easily access the parrot’s nests and can steal chicks and eggs. However, they may get scared depending on the size of the adult parrot.

Big Cats

Big cats are excellent parrot hunters. They have strong claws and climbing abilities. Jaguars and Ocelots are the famous big cats that hunt parrots.

Big cats love to snatch up parrots, from parrotlets to even macaws. Their massive body weight, powerful claws, and jaws help them to hunt easily. 

They may scale trees to reach parrots or may snatch them when on the ground. How do parrots protect themselves? Parrots are alert, especially to big cats. They quickly flee away or get out of leap range whenever they found any. 


Snakes can also prey on parrots occasionally. However, snakes cannot access parrots while they are in the air. They can only hunt when parrots are resting in trees.

Large snakes like Boa Constrictors and Pythons mostly remain on the jungle floor. They quietly creep up behind a resting parrot and strike it with powerful jaws causing significant damage to the bird. 

Snakes will then coil around the parrot and eat him up at their leisure. Large parrots like macaws are equally vulnerable to snakes as compared to parrotlets. This is due to the about 25 feet stretching ability of such large snakes. 

Feral Cats and Rats

Feral Cats and Rats are the most dangerous parrot predators. They may drive the population of many parrot species to extinction.

The stealthy and skillful Feral Cats can even hunt adult parrots. However, nibble and smart rats can steal the eggs and chicks. 


Humans are the greatest predators for parrots, even though you capture them for trade and domestic purposes. Their illegal trade and pest control are the greatest threat to their species. 

The parrots of Rio Manu are aware of the locals as their predators. The population hunt parrots for feathers, food, and pet trade. 

Humans also kill parrots as they are considered pests to crops, especially in agriculture-dependent areas. Burrowing parrot is officially declared as agricultural pests in Argentina. Measures are being taken to control their population. 


Concluding my article, “How Do Parrots Protect Themselves?” I would say that I am very embarrassed to found humans in the category of parrot predators.

Capturing parrots for the sake of the pet trade is somehow justified. As it’s the affection of humans for these beautiful birds.

However, illegal trade is a shameful act. I think such people are not even able to be called humans. As, they are being brutal to such small, tongueless birds.

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